Juganu’s mission is to deliver the highest-quality light with the greatest savings through revolutionary JLED technology innovation. The company was started by a team of serial entrepreneurs who identified the LED market as ripe for technological innovations that would greatly enhance lighting experiences while driving massive cost savings. Juganu’s team combines experience in high power, solid state electronics, high-speed control systems and complex wireless networks.

Juganu came to FIT in need of developing a street and road light fixture intended for use in an outdoor difficult environment. The fixture was to be highly aerodynamic and withstand high winds. As always, maintenance and assembly was to be super simple and easy.

The Juganu street lights are designed with a low drag factor, offering low resistance to high winds, which enhances pedestrian and driver safety and decreases maintenance costs. JLED Street and road lights run cool, under 45C°, which further extends product life. Smartly designed, JLED street lights are lightweight, and easy to install and maintain. Using the right shape and materials, the light fixture is able to operate for years.






Research, Product Strategy, Concept, UX, Shaping, Mechanical development,
Plastic Design, Production File

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